Source code for nasp.dispatcher

#!/usr/bin/env python3

__author__ = "Darrin Lemmer"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__email__ = ""

Created on Mar 4, 2014

@author: dlemmer

import logging

def _parse_args():
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Meant to be called from the pipeline automatically.")
    parser.add_argument("--config", required=True, help="Path to the configuration xml file.")
    return parser.parse_args()

def _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, waitfor_id=None, hold=False, notify=False):
    import subprocess
    import re
    import os

    # TODO(jtravis): remove unused output variable
    output = jobid = None"command = %s" % command)
    if job_submitter == "PBS":
        waitfor = ""
        if waitfor_id:
            dependency_string = waitfor_id[1] if len(waitfor_id) > 1 else 'afterok'
            waitfor = "-W depend=%s:%s" % (dependency_string, waitfor_id[0])
        queue = ""
        if job_parms["queue"]:
            queue = "-q %s" % job_parms["queue"]
        args = job_parms["args"]
        if hold:
            args += " -h"
        if notify:
            args += " -m e"
        submit_command = "qsub -V -d \'%s\' -w \'%s\' -l ncpus=%s,mem=%sgb,walltime=%s:00:00 -m a -N \'%s\' %s %s %s" % (
            job_parms["work_dir"], job_parms["work_dir"], job_parms['num_cpus'], job_parms['mem_requested'],
            job_parms['walltime'], job_parms['name'], waitfor, queue, args)
        logging.debug("submit_command = %s", submit_command)
        output = subprocess.getoutput("echo \"%s\" | %s - " % (command, submit_command))
        logging.debug("output = %s" % output)
        job_match ='^(\d+)\..*$', output)
        if job_match:
            jobid =
            logging.warning("Job not submitted!!")
            print("WARNING: Job not submitted: %s" % output)
    elif job_submitter == "SLURM":
        waitfor = ""
        if waitfor_id:
            dependency_string = waitfor_id[1] if len(waitfor_id) > 1 else 'afterok'
            waitfor = "-d %s:%s" % (dependency_string, waitfor_id[0])
        queue = ""
        if job_parms["queue"]:
            queue = "-p %s" % job_parms["queue"]
        args = job_parms["args"]
        if hold:
            args += " -H"
        if notify:
            args += " --mail-type=END"
        submit_command = "sbatch -D \'%s\' -c%s --mem=%s000 --time=%s:00:00 --mail-type=FAIL -J \'%s\' %s %s %s" % (
            job_parms["work_dir"], job_parms['num_cpus'], job_parms['mem_requested'], job_parms['walltime'],
            job_parms['name'], waitfor, queue, args)
        logging.debug("submit_command = %s" % submit_command)
        output = subprocess.getoutput("%s --wrap=\"%s\"" % (submit_command, command))
        logging.debug("output = %s" % output)
        job_match ='^Submitted batch job (\d+)$', output)
        if job_match:
            jobid =
            logging.warning("Job not submitted!!")
            print("WARNING: Job not submitted: %s" % output)
    elif job_submitter == "SGE":
        waitfor = ""
        if waitfor_id:
            waitfor = "-hold_jid %s" % (re.sub(":", ",", waitfor_id[0]))
        queue = ""
        if job_parms["queue"]:
            queue = "-q %s" % job_parms["queue"]
        args = job_parms["args"]
        if hold:
            args += " -h"
        if notify:
            args += " -m e"
        mem_needed = float(job_parms['mem_requested']) * 1024 * 1024
        # Apparently the number of processors a job uses is controlled by the queue it is running on in SGE, so there is no way to request a specific number of CPUs??
        submit_command = "qsub -V -wd \'%s\' -l h_data=%s,h_rt=%s:00:00 -m a -N \'%s\' %s %s %s" % (
            job_parms["work_dir"], mem_needed, job_parms['walltime'], job_parms['name'], waitfor,
            queue, args)
        logging.debug("submit_command = %s", submit_command)
        output = subprocess.getoutput("echo \"%s\" | %s" % (command, submit_command))
        logging.debug("output = %s" % output)
        job_match ='^\D*(\d+)\s.*$', output)
        if job_match:
            jobid =
            logging.warning("Job not submitted!!")
            print("WARNING: Job not submitted: %s" % output)
        command = re.sub('\n', '; ', command)
        work_dir = job_parms['work_dir']
        dependency_check = ""
        if waitfor_id:
            if":", waitfor_id[0]):
                pid_filename = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s_dependent_pids" % job_parms['name'])
                pid_file = open(pid_filename, 'w')
                pids = waitfor_id[0].split(":")
                dependency_check = "while [ -s %s ]; do sleep 600; for pid in `cat %s`; do kill -0 \"$pid\" 2>/dev/null || sed -i \"/^$pid$/d\" %s; done; done; rm %s; " % (
                    pid_filename, pid_filename, pid_filename, pid_filename)
                pid = waitfor_id[0]
                dependency_check = "while kill -0 %s; do sleep 300; done; " % pid
        # cpu_check = "grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)/($2+$4+$5)} END {print 1-usage}'"
        total_mem = subprocess.getoutput("free -g | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $2 }'")
        mem_requested = job_parms['mem_requested']
        if mem_requested > total_mem:
            mem_requested = total_mem
        print("total_mem = %s" % total_mem)
        mem_needed = float(mem_requested) * 750
        mem_check = "while [ `free -m | grep cache: | awk '{ print $4 }'` -lt %d ]; do sleep 300; done; " % mem_needed
        submit_command = "%s%s%s" % (dependency_check, mem_check, command)
        logging.debug("submit_command = %s" % submit_command)
        output_log =, "%s.out" % job_parms['name']), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(submit_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=output_log, shell=True, cwd=work_dir)
        jobid = str("jobid = %s" % jobid)
    return jobid

def _release_hold(job_submitter, job_id):
    import subprocess

    if job_submitter == "PBS" or job_submitter == "SGE":
        command = "qrls %s" % job_id
    elif job_submitter == "SLURM":
        command = "scontrol release %s" % job_id
        return"command = %s", command)
    output = subprocess.getoutput(command)
    logging.debug("output = %s", output)

def _index_reference(configuration):
    import os
    import re

    output_folder = configuration["output_folder"]
    job_parms = configuration["index"][3]
    ref_path = configuration["reference"][1]
    ref_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, "reference")
    if not os.path.exists(ref_folder):
    # Copy the reference as $output_folder/reference/reference.fasta, verifying its format first. Replace it if it already exists.
    reference = os.path.join(ref_folder, "reference.fasta")
    if os.path.exists(reference):
    index_commands = ["format_fasta --inputfasta %s --outputfasta %s" % (ref_path, reference)]

    # Gather all of the index commands that need to be run
    bwa_done = False
    for aligner in configuration["aligners"]:
        (name, path) = aligner[0:2]
        if'bwa', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            if not bwa_done:
                index_commands.append("%s index %s" % (path, reference))
                bwa_done = True
        elif'b(ow)?t(ie)?2', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            bt2path = os.path.split(path)[0]
            bt2_build_path = os.path.join(bt2path, "bowtie2-build")
            index_commands.append("%s %s reference" % (bt2_build_path, reference))
        elif'novo', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            novopath = os.path.split(path)[0]
            novoindex_path = os.path.join(novopath, "novoindex")
            index_commands.append("%s %s.idx %s" % (novoindex_path, reference, reference))
        elif'snap', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            index_commands.append("%s index %s %s" % (path, reference, os.path.join(ref_folder, "snap")))
            print("Unknown aligner \'%s\' found, don't know how to index the reference for it. Skipping..." % name)

    #if we are using GATK, we also need to create a Sequence Dictionary and samtools index of the reference
    if next((v for i, v in enumerate(configuration["snpcallers"]) if'gatk', v[0], re.IGNORECASE)), None):
        #picard_path = configuration["picard"][1] or ""
        picard_path = configuration["picard"][1]
        picard_memory = 2
        if configuration["picard"][3]:
            picard_memory = configuration["picard"][3]['mem_requested'] or 2
        samtools_path = configuration["samtools"][1] or "samtools"
        out_file = os.path.join(ref_folder, "reference.dict")
        index_commands.append("java -Xmx%sG -jar %s CreateSequenceDictionary R=%s O=%s" % (picard_memory, picard_path, reference, out_file))
        index_commands.append("%s faidx %s" % (samtools_path, reference))

    command = "\n".join(index_commands)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = ref_folder
    job_id = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms, hold=True)
    return job_id, reference

def _run_bwa(read_tuple, aligner, samtools, job_submitter, index_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import re
    import os

    (name, read1) = read_tuple[0:2]
    read2 = read_tuple[2] if len(read_tuple) >= 3 else ""
    bam_string = "\'@RG\\tID:%s\\tSM:%s\'" % (name, name)
    sampath = samtools[1]
    (aligner_name, path, args, job_parms) = aligner
    ncpus = job_parms['num_cpus']
    aligner_command = ""
    if'mem', aligner_name, re.IGNORECASE):
        aligner_name = "bwamem"
        aligner_command = "%s mem -R %s %s -t %s %s %s %s" % (path, bam_string, args, ncpus, reference, read1, read2)
        aligner_name = "bwa"
        # Parse read file basename
        old_format_string = "-I" if'(?:.*\/)?[^\/]+?_[12]_sequence\.txt(?:\.gz)?$', read1,
                                              re.IGNORECASE) else ""
        work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, aligner_name)
        command_parts = []
        if read2:
            output_file_1 = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-R1.sai" % name)
            output_file_2 = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-R2.sai" % name)
            command_parts.append("%s aln %s %s %s -t %s -f %s %s" % (
                path, old_format_string, reference, read1, ncpus, output_file_1, args))
            command_parts.append("%s aln %s %s %s -t %s -f %s %s" % (
                path, old_format_string, reference, read2, ncpus, output_file_2, args))
            command_parts.append("%s sampe -r %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (
                path, bam_string, reference, output_file_1, output_file_2, read1, read2, args))
            output_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.sai" % name)
            command_parts.append("%s aln %s %s %s -t %s -f %s %s" % (
                path, old_format_string, reference, read1, ncpus, output_file, args))
                "%s samse -r %s %s %s %s %s" % (path, bam_string, reference, output_file, read1, args))
        aligner_command = "\n".join(command_parts)
    bam_nickname = "%s-%s" % (name, aligner_name)
    samview_command = "%s view -S -b -h -" % sampath
    samsort_command = "%s sort - %s" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    samindex_command = "%s index %s.bam" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    command = "%s | %s | %s \n %s" % (aligner_command, samview_command, samsort_command, samindex_command)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, aligner_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.bam" % bam_nickname)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (aligner_name, name)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return bam_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_bowtie2(read_tuple, aligner, samtools, job_submitter, index_job_id, reference, output_folder):
        aligner (list): name, path, args, job parameters
        job_submitter (str):
        index_job_id (tuple): (jobid, action)

        tuple: bam nickname, job id, path to bam file
    import os

    (name, read1) = read_tuple[0:2]
    read2 = read_tuple[2] if len(read_tuple) >= 3 else ""
    read_string = "-1 %s -2 %s" % (read1, read2) if read2 else "-U %s" % read1
    ref_string = os.path.splitext(reference)[0]
    bam_string = "--rg-id \'%s\' --rg \'SM:%s\'" % (name, name)
    sampath = samtools[1]
    (path, args, job_parms) = aligner[1:4]
    aligner_name = "bowtie2"
    ncpus = job_parms['num_cpus']
    aligner_command = "%s %s -p %s %s -x %s %s" % (path, args, ncpus, bam_string, ref_string, read_string)
    bam_nickname = "%s-%s" % (name, aligner_name)
    samview_command = "%s view -S -b -h -" % sampath
    samsort_command = "%s sort - %s" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    samindex_command = "%s index %s.bam" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    command = "%s | %s | %s \n %s" % (aligner_command, samview_command, samsort_command, samindex_command)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, aligner_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.bam" % bam_nickname)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (aligner_name, name)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return bam_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_novoalign(read_tuple, aligner, samtools, job_submitter, index_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import os

    (name, read1) = read_tuple[0:2]
    read2 = read_tuple[2] if len(read_tuple) >= 3 else ""
    paired_string = "-i PE 500,100" if read2 else ""
    bam_string = "\'@RG\\tID:%s\\tSM:%s\'" % (name, name)
    sampath = samtools[1]
    (path, args, job_parms) = aligner[1:4]
    aligner_name = "novo"
    ncpus = job_parms['num_cpus']
    aligner_command = "%s -f %s %s %s -c %s -o SAM %s -d %s.idx %s" % (
        path, read1, read2, paired_string, ncpus, bam_string, reference, args)
    bam_nickname = "%s-%s" % (name, aligner_name)
    samview_command = "%s view -S -b -h -" % sampath
    samsort_command = "%s sort - %s" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    samindex_command = "%s index %s.bam" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    command = "%s | %s | %s \n %s" % (aligner_command, samview_command, samsort_command, samindex_command)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, aligner_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.bam" % bam_nickname)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (aligner_name, name)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return bam_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_snap(read_tuple, aligner, samtools, job_submitter, index_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import os
    (name, read1) = read_tuple[0:2]
    read2 = read_tuple[2] if len(read_tuple) >= 3 else ""
    paired_string = "paired" if read2 else "single"
    sampath = samtools[1]
    (path, args, job_parms) = aligner[1:4]
    aligner_name = "snap"
    reads = []
    for read in (read1, read2):
    read_string = " ".join(reads)
    ref_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join(output_folder, "reference"), aligner_name)
    ncpus = job_parms['num_cpus']
    bam_nickname = "%s-%s" % (name, aligner_name)
    aligner_command = "%s %s %s %s -t %s -b %s -o -sam -" % (
        path, paired_string, ref_dir, read_string, ncpus, args)
    samview_command = "%s view -S -b -h -" % (sampath)
    samsort_command = "%s sort - %s" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    samindex_command = "%s index %s.bam" % (sampath, bam_nickname)
    command = "%s | %s | %s \n %s" % (aligner_command, samview_command, samsort_command, samindex_command)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, aligner_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.bam" % bam_nickname)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (aligner_name, name)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return bam_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_gatk(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller, job_submitter, aligner_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import os

    (path, args, job_parms) = snpcaller[1:4]
    snpcaller_name = "gatk"
    ncpus = job_parms['num_cpus']
    memory = job_parms['mem_requested']
    vcf_nickname = "%s-%s" % (nickname, snpcaller_name)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, snpcaller_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    command = "java -Xmx%sG -jar %s -T UnifiedGenotyper -dt NONE -glm BOTH -I %s -R %s -nt %s -o %s.vcf -out_mode EMIT_ALL_CONFIDENT_SITES -baq RECALCULATE %s" % (
        memory, path, bam_file, reference, ncpus, vcf_nickname, args)
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.vcf" % vcf_nickname)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (snpcaller_name, nickname)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (aligner_job_id,))
    return vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_solsnp(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller, job_submitter, aligner_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import os

    (path, args, job_parms) = snpcaller[1:4]
    snpcaller_name = "solsnp"
    memory = job_parms['mem_requested']
    vcf_nickname = "%s-%s" % (nickname, snpcaller_name)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, snpcaller_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.vcf" % vcf_nickname)
    bam_link = os.path.join(work_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bam_file))[0])
    os.symlink(bam_file, bam_link)
        memory, path, bam_link, reference, final_file, args)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (snpcaller_name, nickname)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (aligner_job_id,))
    return vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_varscan(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller, samtools, job_submitter, aligner_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import os
    import re

    (path, args, job_parms) = snpcaller[1:4]
    sampath = samtools[1]
    snpcaller_name = "varscan"
    memory = job_parms['mem_requested']
    vcf_nickname = "%s-%s" % (nickname, snpcaller_name)
    test = re.match('^(.*)-[a-z]*$', nickname, re.IGNORECASE)
    read_nickname = if test else nickname
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, snpcaller_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    sample_list = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.txt" % nickname)
    pileup_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bam_file), "%s.mpileup" % nickname)
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.vcf" % vcf_nickname)
    command_parts = ["echo %s > %s" % (read_nickname, sample_list),
                     "%s mpileup -B -d 10000000 -f %s %s > %s" % (sampath, reference, bam_file, pileup_file),
                     "java -Xmx%sG -jar %s mpileup2cns %s --output-vcf 1 --vcf-sample-list %s > %s %s" % (
                         memory, path, pileup_file, sample_list, final_file, args)]
    command = "\n".join(command_parts)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (snpcaller_name, nickname)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (aligner_job_id,))
    return vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _run_samtools(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller, samtools, job_submitter, aligner_job_id, reference, output_folder):
    import os

    (path, args, job_parms) = snpcaller[1:4]
    sampath = samtools[1]
    snpcaller_name = "samtools"
    vcf_nickname = "%s-%s" % (nickname, snpcaller_name)
    work_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, snpcaller_name)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.vcf" % vcf_nickname)
    command_parts = ["%s mpileup -uD -d 10000000 -f %s %s" % (sampath, reference, bam_file),
                     "%s view -ceg %s - > %s" % (path, args, final_file)]
    command = " | ".join(command_parts)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (snpcaller_name, nickname)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(job_submitter, command, job_parms, (aligner_job_id,))
    return vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file

def _find_dups(configuration, index_job_id, reference):
    import os

    (name, path, _, job_parms) = configuration["dup_finder"]
    command = "find_duplicates --nucmerpath %s --reference %s" % (path, reference)
    work_dir = os.path.dirname(reference)
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
        # NOTE: This directory is implicitly created by _index_reference.
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "duplicates.txt")
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s" % name
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return job_id, final_file

def _convert_external_genome(assembly, configuration, index_job_id, reference):
    import os

    (tool, path, args, job_parms) = configuration["assembly_importer"]
    (nucmer_path, nucmer_args) = configuration["dup_finder"][1:3]
    (name, fasta) = assembly
    work_dir = os.path.join(configuration["output_folder"], "external")
    if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
    new_fasta = os.path.join(work_dir, os.path.basename(fasta))
    command_parts = ["format_fasta --inputfasta %s --outputfasta %s" % (fasta, new_fasta),
                     "convert_external_genome --nucmerpath %s --nucmerargs \'%s\' --deltafilterpath %s --deltafilterargs \'%s\' --reference %s --external %s --name %s" % (
                         nucmer_path, nucmer_args, path, args, reference, new_fasta, name)]
    command = "\n".join(command_parts)
    final_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s.frankenfasta" % name)
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_%s_%s" % (tool, name)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = work_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return job_id, final_file

def _trim_adapters(read_tuple, configuration):
    import os

    (_, path, args, job_parms) = configuration["read_trimmer"]
    (name, read1) = read_tuple[0:2]
    read2 = read_tuple[2] if len(read_tuple) >= 3 else None
    trim_dir = os.path.join(configuration["output_folder"], 'trimmed')
    if not os.path.exists(trim_dir):
    #job_params = {'queue':'', 'mem_requested':6, 'num_cpus':4, 'walltime':8, 'args':''}
    job_parms['name'] = "nasp_trim_%s" % name
    job_parms['work_dir'] = trim_dir
    if read2:
        out_reads1 = [name+"_R1_trimmed.fastq", name+"_R1_unpaired.fastq"]
        out_reads2 = [name+"_R2_trimmed.fastq", name+"_R2_unpaired.fastq"]
        out_reads = [os.path.join(trim_dir, out_reads1[0]), os.path.join(trim_dir, out_reads2[0])]
        command = "java -jar %s PE -threads %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (path, job_parms['num_cpus'], read1, read2, out_reads1[0], out_reads1[1], out_reads2[0], out_reads2[1], args)
        out_reads = [os.path.join(trim_dir, name+"_trimmed.fastq")]
        command = "java -jar %s SE -threads %s %s %s %s" % (path, job_parms['num_cpus'], read1, out_reads[0], args)
    jobid = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms)
    return (tuple([name] + out_reads), jobid)

def _align_reads(read_tuple, configuration, index_job_id, reference):
    import re

    aligner_output = []
    for aligner in configuration["aligners"]:
        name = aligner[0]
        if'bwa', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            (bam_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_bwa(read_tuple, aligner, configuration["samtools"],
                                                          configuration["job_submitter"], index_job_id, reference,
            if job_id:
                aligner_output.append((bam_nickname, job_id, final_file, name))
        elif'b(ow)?t(ie)?2', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            (bam_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_bowtie2(read_tuple, aligner, configuration["samtools"],
                                                              configuration["job_submitter"], index_job_id, reference,
            if job_id:
                aligner_output.append((bam_nickname, job_id, final_file, name))
        elif'novo', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            (bam_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_novoalign(read_tuple, aligner, configuration["samtools"],
                                                                configuration["job_submitter"], index_job_id, reference,
            if job_id:
                aligner_output.append((bam_nickname, job_id, final_file, name))
        elif'snap', name, re.IGNORECASE):
            (bam_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_snap(read_tuple, aligner, configuration["samtools"],
                                                           configuration["job_submitter"], index_job_id, reference,
            if job_id:
                aligner_output.append((bam_nickname, job_id, final_file, name))
            print("Unknown aligner \'%s\' found, don't know what to do. Skipping..." % name)
    return aligner_output

def _call_snps(aligner_output, configuration, reference):
    import re

    snpcaller_output = []
    for (nickname, aligner_job_id, bam_file, aligner_name) in aligner_output:
        if aligner_job_id:
            for snpcaller in configuration["snpcallers"]:
                name = snpcaller[0]
                if'gatk', name, re.IGNORECASE):
                    (vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_gatk(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller,
                                                                   configuration["job_submitter"], aligner_job_id,
                                                                   reference, configuration["output_folder"])
                    if job_id:
                        snpcaller_output.append((vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file, aligner_name, name))
                elif'solsnp', name, re.IGNORECASE):
                    (vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_solsnp(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller,
                                                                     configuration["job_submitter"], aligner_job_id,
                                                                     reference, configuration["output_folder"])
                    if job_id:
                        snpcaller_output.append((vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file, aligner_name, name))
                elif'varscan', name, re.IGNORECASE):
                    (vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_varscan(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller,
                                                                      configuration["job_submitter"], aligner_job_id,
                                                                      reference, configuration["output_folder"])
                    if job_id:
                        snpcaller_output.append((vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file, aligner_name, name))
                elif'samtools', name, re.IGNORECASE):
                    (vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file) = _run_samtools(nickname, bam_file, snpcaller,
                                                                       configuration["job_submitter"], aligner_job_id,
                                                                       reference, configuration["output_folder"])
                    if job_id:
                        snpcaller_output.append((vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file, aligner_name, name))
                    print("Unknown SNP caller \'%s\' found, don't know what to do. Skipping..." % name)
    return snpcaller_output

def _index_bams(configuration, index_job_id):
    import os

    alignments = configuration["alignments"]
    output_folder = configuration["output_folder"]
    job_parms = configuration["bam_index"][3]
    sampath = configuration["samtools"][1]
    picard_path = configuration["picard"][1] or ""
    bam_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, "bams")
    if not os.path.exists(bam_folder):
    bam_files = []
    command_parts = []
    for (name, bam) in alignments:
        new_file = os.path.join(bam_folder, "%s.bam" % name)
        bam_files.append((name, new_file))
        # GATK requires bams have a ReadGroup header. If one if not present,
        # assign a default value.
            "if ! {samtools} view -H {in_bam} | grep \"^@RG\"; then\n"
            " java -jar {picard} AddOrReplaceReadGroups"
            " INPUT={in_bam}"
            " OUTPUT={out_bam}"
            " SORT_ORDER=coordinate"
            " ID=1"
            " SM={sample_name}"
            " LB={sample_name}"
            " PL=illumina"
            " PU=1\n"
            " ln -s -f {in_bam} {out_bam}\n"
        ).format(samtools=sampath, picard=picard_path, out_bam=bam, in_bam=new_file, sample_name=os.path.splitext(bam)[0]))
        command_parts.append("%s index %s" % (sampath, new_file))
    command = "\n".join(command_parts)
    job_parms['work_dir'] = bam_folder
    job_id = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms, (index_job_id,))
    return bam_files, job_id

def _create_matrices(configuration, reference, dups_file, vcf_files, franken_fastas, job_ids):
    import nasp.matrix_DTO as matrix_DTO
    import os

    output_dir = configuration['output_folder']
    path = configuration["matrix_generator"][1]
    job_parms = configuration["matrix_generator"][3]
    matrix_parms = {'reference-fasta': reference, 'reference-dups': dups_file}
    if "coverage_filter" in configuration:
        matrix_parms['minimum-coverage'] = configuration['coverage_filter']
    if "proportion_filter" in configuration:
        matrix_parms['minimum-proportion'] = configuration['proportion_filter']
    matrix_parms['matrix-folder'] = os.path.join(output_dir, 'matrices')
    if not os.path.exists(matrix_parms['matrix-folder']):
    matrix_parms['stats-folder'] = os.path.join(output_dir, 'statistics')
    if not os.path.exists(matrix_parms['stats-folder']):
    if 'filter_matrix_format' in configuration:
        matrix_parms['filter-matrix-format'] = configuration['filter_matrix_format']
    dto_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "matrix_dto.xml")
    matrix_DTO.write_dto(matrix_parms, franken_fastas, vcf_files, dto_file)
    jobs_to_wait_for = (":".join(job_ids), 'afterany') if job_ids else None
    command = "%s matrix --dto-file %s --num-threads %s" % (path, dto_file, job_parms['num_cpus'])
    job_parms['work_dir'] = output_dir
    job_id = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms, jobs_to_wait_for, notify=True)
    return job_id

def _export_matrices(configuration, matrix_job_id):
    import os

    gonasp_path = configuration["matrix_generator"][1]
    matrix_folder = os.path.join(configuration['output_folder'], 'matrices')
    job_parms = {'name': 'nasp_export', 'num_cpus': '4', 'mem_requested': '4', 'walltime': '8', 'queue': '', 'args': '', 'work_dir':  matrix_folder}
    commands = []

    # The command will be of the following form:
    #   gonasp export --type fasta bestsnp.tsv > bestsnp.fasta &
    #   gonasp export --type vcf bestsnp.tsv > bestsnp.vcf &
    #   wait
    # The '&' will launch each export commands as background tasks then the 'wait' will wait for them to finish
    for type in ['vcf', 'fasta']:
        for exported_matrix in ['bestsnp', 'missingdata']:
            commands.append("{0} export --type {1} {2}.tsv > {2}.{1}".format(gonasp_path, type, exported_matrix))

    command = ' & '.join(commands)

    job_id = _submit_job(configuration["job_submitter"], command, job_parms, (matrix_job_id,), notify=False)

[docs]def begin(configuration): (index_job_id, reference) = _index_reference(configuration) if not index_job_id: print("Failed to submit the index job, there is no point in continuing. Please try again.") raise SystemExit() dups_file = None job_ids = [] vcf_files = [] franken_fastas = [] if configuration["find_dups"] != "False": (job_id, dups_file) = _find_dups(configuration, index_job_id, reference) if job_id: job_ids.append(job_id) for assembly in configuration["assemblies"]: (job_id, final_file) = _convert_external_genome(assembly, configuration, index_job_id, reference) if job_id: job_ids.append(job_id) franken_fastas.append((assembly[0], "nucmer", final_file)) if configuration["alignments"]: pre_aligned = [] (bam_files, bamindex_job_id) = _index_bams(configuration, index_job_id) for (name, bam) in bam_files: pre_aligned.append((name, bamindex_job_id, bam, "pre-aligned")) snpcaller_output = _call_snps(pre_aligned, configuration, reference) for (vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file, aligner, snpcaller) in snpcaller_output: if job_id: job_ids.append(job_id) vcf_files.append((vcf_nickname, aligner, snpcaller, final_file)) for read_tuple in configuration["reads"]: dependent_job_id = None if "trim_reads" in configuration and configuration["trim_reads"] == "True": (read_tuple, dependent_job_id) = _trim_adapters(read_tuple, configuration) dependencies = index_job_id if dependent_job_id: dependencies += ":"+dependent_job_id aligner_output = _align_reads(read_tuple, configuration, dependencies, reference) snpcaller_output = _call_snps(aligner_output, configuration, reference) for (vcf_nickname, job_id, final_file, aligner, snpcaller) in snpcaller_output: if job_id: job_ids.append(job_id) vcf_files.append((vcf_nickname, aligner, snpcaller, final_file)) for (name, vcf) in configuration["vcfs"]: vcf_files.append((name, "pre-aligned", "pre-called", vcf)) matrix_job_id = _create_matrices(configuration, reference, dups_file, vcf_files, franken_fastas, job_ids) _export_matrices(configuration, matrix_job_id) _release_hold(configuration["job_submitter"], index_job_id)
[docs]def main(): import nasp.configuration_parser as configuration_parser commandline_args = _parse_args() configuration = configuration_parser.parse_config(commandline_args.config) begin(configuration)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()